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Aus, R.D. 'God's Plan and God's Power: Isaiah 66 and the Restraining Factors of 2 Thess 2:6-7', JBL 96(1977) 537-553

Bailey, J.A. 'Who wrote II Thessalonians?', NTS 25(1978-79) 131-145

Barrett, C.K. The First Epistle to the Corinthians (HNTC; New York and Evanston 1968)

Barrett, C.K. From First Adam to Last (London 1962)

Barrett, C.K. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians (BNTC; London 1973)

Bassler, J.M. 'The Enigimatic Sign: 2 Thessalonians 1:5', CBQ 46(1984) 496-510

Brown, R.E. The Epistles to John (AB; Garden City 1982)

Bruce, F.F. Answers to Questions (Exeter 1972)

Bruce, F.F. The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians (NICNT; Grand Rapids 1984)

Bruce, F.F. I & II Corinthians (NCBC; London 1971/Grand Rapids and London 1984)

Bruce, F.F. The Gospel of John (Grand Rapids 1983)

Bruce, F.F. New Testament History (rev. ed.; London 1971)

Bruce, F.F. Tradition Old and New (Exeter 1970)

Collins, R.F. Letters That Paul Did Not Write. The Epistle to the Hebrews and the Pauline Pseudepigrapha (Good News Studies 28; Wilmington, Delaware 1988)

Conzelmann, H. and

Lindemann, A. Interpreting the New Testament. An Introduction to the Principles and Methods of N.T. Exegesis (E.T.; Peabody, MA 1988)

Cullmann, O. Christ and Time (E.T., rev. ed.; London 1962/1967)

Dibelius, M. and

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Dunham, D.A. '2 Thessalonians 1:3-10: A Study in Sentence Structure', JETS 24(1981) 39-46

Ellis, E.E. Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Early Christianity (Grand Rapids 1978)

Fee, G.D. The First Epistle to the Corinthians (NICNT; Grand Rapids 1987)

Fung, R.Y.K. 'Ministry in the New Testament', in D.A. Carson(ed.), The Church in the Bible and the World (Exeter 1987) 154-212, 318-342

Fung, R.Y.K. 'The Relationship between Righteousness and Faith in the Thought of Paul, as Expressed in the Letters to the Galatians and the Romans' (2 vols.; unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Manchester University, 1975)

Fung, R.Y.K. 'Revelation and Tradition: the Origins of Paul's Gospel', EQ 57(1985) 23-41

Giblin, C.H. 'The Heartening Apocalyptic of Second Thessalonians', BibToday 26(1988) 350-354

Glasson, T.F. 'Theophany and Parousia', NTS 34(1988) 259-270

Grosheide, F.W. The First Epistle to the Corinthians (NLC; London 1954)

Guthric, D. 'The New Testament Approach to Social Responsibility', VE 8(1973) 40-59

Harris, M.J. 'Titus 2:13 and the Deity of Christ', in Pauline Studies (FS F.F. Bruce), ed. D.A. Hagner and M.J. Harris(Exeter and Grand Rapids 1980) 262-277

Hartman, L. Prophecy Interpreted: The Formation of Some Jewish Apocalyptic Texts and of the Eschatological Discourse Mark 13 Par.(ConB, New Testament series 1; Lund 1966)

Havener, I. 'First and Second Thessaloians: An lntroduction', BibToday 26(1988) 324-327

Johnson, L.T. The Writings of the New Testament. An Inter pretation (Philadelphia 1986)

Kelly, J.N.D. The Epistles of Peter and of Jude (BNTC; London 1969)

Koester, H. Introduction to the New Testament (E.T., 2 vols; Philadelphia 1982)

Ko/ster, H. 'Apostel und Gemeinde in den Briefen an die Thessalonicher', in Kirche (FS G. Bornkamm),ed. D. Luhrmann and G. Strecker (Tu/bingen 1980), 287-298

Lock, W. The Pastoral Epistles (ICC; Edinburgh 1924/1966)

Longenecker, R.N. 'Ancient Amanuenses and the Pauline Epistles', in New Dimensions in New Testament Study, ed. R.N. Longenecker and M.C. Tenney(Grand Rapids 1974), 281-297

Manson, T.W. Studies in the Gospels and Epistles, ed. M. Black(Manchester 1962)

Martin, R.P. 'Authority in the Light of the Apostolate, Tradition and the Canon', EQ 40(1968) 66-82

Mauser, U.W. '"Heaven" in the World View of the New Testament', HBT 9(1987) 31-51

Mitton, C.L. Ephesians (NCB; London 1976)

Morris, L. The Biblical Doctrine of Judgment (London 1960)

Munck, J. Paul and the Salvation of Mankind (E.T., Richmond 1959)

O'Brien, P.T. Colossians, Philemon (WBC; Waco, Texas 1982)

Plummer, A. The Second Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians (ICC; Edinburgh 1915/1966)

Robinson, J.A. St Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians (2nd ed.; London n.d.)

Scott, E.F. The Pastoral Epistles (MNTC; London 1939)

Stanley, D. 'Imitation in Paul's Letters: Its Significance for His Relationship to Jesus and to His Own Christian Foundations', in From Jesus to Paul (FS F.W. Beare), ed. P. Richardson and J.C. Hurd(Waterloo, Ont. 1984), 127-141

Strong, R. 'Articles on the Second Coming of Christ', in The New Testament Student at Work, ed. J.H. Skilton (vol. 2 of The New Testament; Nutley NJ 1975), 131-168

Townsend, J.T. 'II Thessalonians 2:3-12', in Society of Biblical Literature 1980 Seminar Papers, ed. P.J. Achtemeier (Chico 1980), 233-250

Vermes, G. The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (Penguin Books 1962/1970)

Werner, J.R. 'Discourse Analysis of the Greek New Testament', in The New Testament Student and His Field, ed. J.H. Skilton and C.A. Ladley (vol. 5 of The New Testament; Phillipsburg 1982), 213-233

Wilkinson, T.L. 'The Man of Lawlessness in II Thessalonians', in The New Testament Student and His Field, ed. J.H. Skilton and C.A. Ladley (vol. 5 of The New Testament; Phillipsburg 1982), 124-149
